Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Unicorn Love Affair (Gone Stale)

Unicorn Love Affair
by Us

Humming birds sing to our love,
in a way doves flap their wings,
and eagles soar from the sunset,
I sit before my computer,
thousands of mile away,
but yet so close to your love,
I lean my head just over my left shoulder,
my eyes are closed and I see visions,
of a garden with a white unicorn,
dancing gallantly to the beat of our symphony.

The garden you see was mine, once,
before I gave you my heart
the way a mother bird brings worms to babies
in a nest built on drive, sacrifice
and I don’t have to close my eyes to see you here
in the garden, now ours
where sunrise mates with morning dew
and the promise of tulips in Spring’s awakening
twisting you, kisses sprung of day dreams, in my hair
perched upon that unicorn, waiting for you.

I see you tall, pale, soft lips, long hair
not with my eyes close, with them open,
my closed eyes visualize my wish,
but you are my reality,
sprung from dreams 1973, that year ago
I am running for you, turn my precious one.

But what need is there to turn when my eyes,
chocolate kisses, are glued to your spirit?
It was December 3, 1973, to be precise
and I’ll always have an aversion to olives – green
I giggle, thanking you for reminding me:
Thoughts turning to a different date
August 21, 2008.
I turn. I turn to you.
Over to you. My spirit, my soul, my dreams.

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