Thursday, December 10, 2009

Leon's Place (The bench where I sit to write)

Leon’s Place

*Dedicated to Leon B. Kilyanczik, PFC, US Army, WWII, Purple Heart

freshly potted yellow mums
buds not yet born
like the son
who shows up on the dandelion harley
to visit him

I watch from afar
American flag,
Soiled and warn

Maple stands by
Keeping guard
Just to the right
Back of the graveyard
Manicured tight

Squaking of geese
White houses nearby
Waiting for Jean
Baby blue sky
(I wonder if they annoy him)
(Or are they good company?)

Who were you, Leon?
Did you have a good life?
Did you save a life?
Is that why the royal heart?
Ice glass bench,
Saved just for your wife.

Do you feel lonely
When the geese fly away?
I should hope not
And on this I pray:

Oh, Leon B. private
Of proud purple heart
May you have long forgotten
This old resting spot.

May you have traveled far past
These tracks worn to path
Making new memories:
Having one last laugh.

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