Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tribulations of of the Convict's Wife

Doing Time On the Outside

He calls her his fiancé
(Well, not publicly)
And he’s too proud to get down on one knee.

He done time in the penitentiary.

Doing time
…Believing he’s all mine
Dumb white chick.

I’ll spoil you silly, baby girl
I’ll buy you the whole darn world
But my ear – it costs time
Not spending a dime.

Bring me your sex
…That shit mines.
14 years without family
Bring me your cunt, B.

16 months?
That ain’t shit
…Hanging on to Forever, Yours…

Drop it. Drop it all. White bitch.

“You’ll always be my forever girl”
(I hope)
He’d rather die…

That day, he said would be mine
Then sold it

To the highest bidder.

Stupid country folk.

“I’m preparing”
Got big things to do
For us, but I don’t have time
Got other shit to do.

Gonna be a millionaire
Downloading I Tunes.
Eating at Applebees.
Hanging with my neice.
How do I work this MP3?

Got other shit to do
No time. I’m a city guy.

Come on, bitch
Give me my excuse
No, I ain’t gonna meditate
Ain’t no more count times!

And you’s?
You’s mines!

Self development?
No more time!
Got better shit to do
Why ain’t you let me piss on you?

Don’t whine!
Why you crying now, white bitch?
(rolling eyes).

My sisters…they strong!

What’s wrong witch you, white bitch?

You better be there
You better come here
I need my pussy
This ain’t no joke.

I’m gonna breed you, bitch
And barely crack a smile.

I ain’t fucked in 14 years
So get down on your knees
I’m free as a bird
To love…
To disease.

I ain’t fucked in 14 years
So be ready to please.
Kiss Harvard goodbye!
Doin’ time…..14 years
Three on parole.

I ain’t bothering getting finger printed again.
I ain’t got time to be pissin in a cup.
I only talk after seven.
My shit’s for sale to the highest bidder.
Self development can take a hike.
My family? Neverminds.

You’s mines.
White queen.

14 years! Give me my excuse!
Doin time! You wasn’t here
That makes it alright!

What the fuck’s a little morning sickness –
When you ain’t done taked care of Daddy’s business?

All your fault. And I’m pissed.
No, the blame ain’t mine.
Come on, bitch
…That’s right, my forever whore.

I ain’t got no more time!

Don’t you take that ring off!

You’s mines!
Do you hear me?

Count time.

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