Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ode to Holly Hobby & Earl Grey

There are a few things I have collected during my life. Teapots, thrift shop treasures, and men. Boxes, magazine clippings, bits of writing, and quotes would definitely follow as well.

My favorite teapot sits on out crayon-dipped, paint-splattered, has seen one-too-many-moves table. It is majestic, with its strong spout and bowed handle. Dust gathers where tape to hold the lid on once was. It’s yellowed, matching the bubble bonnet Holly Hobbie wears on its front.

My teapot is creamy white, minus the aged leopard spots, and hosts a picture of Holly carrying a gray cat in her tiny arms. She’s walking through a field of yellow daisies. Above her, whimsical script reads, “Happiness is having someone to care for …”

The picture of Holly is not etched into the ceramic. Rather, it appears to be somehow laid on – as if she’s caught in time, caring for her cat, in a hurry to get to the other end of the meadow. The teapot’s lid has a tiny round hole in the top. It’s not a fancy hole. It’s just enough to let the steam out in a practical way – so as not to disturb the graceful arch of its crown.

There’s a tiny purple butterfly following Holly. The butterfly is so small that one can hardly notice it at first. It appears to be hidden between the spout and shadows cast by its handle. The butterfly looks lost, but curious, to see where Holly is going.

To the touch, the teapot is cold and smooth. Despite the ragged dust swirls, a glossy sheen still pokes through as if to say “hello! I’m still here! Make a pot of tea! Won’t you join me?” I can imagine the sound of the pot, pouring comfort into someone’s day. I want to be that someone. That’s how the teapot makes me feel. Perhaps Holly is on her way to fetch some afternoon tea?

I’ve had this teapot for years now. I got it in 1995. I found it in an old thrift shop during my reporting days in Hooksett, NH. A second-hand treasure – probably one of my first. (And likely what started my addiction to these sort of stores). I originally bought Holly as part of a set. She came with eight matching tea cups.

Actually, I had the guy I was dating at the time – Mike Sullivan – buy it for me. Mike was older than I by about ten years and would do just about anything to please his 21 year old girlfriend. I knew that and I took advantage of it. (Likely another habit I developed during my dating years – letting men take care of me, when and if they would. It’s certainly not something I am proud of, but comes from the need to be accepted and appreciated by them after so many years of rejection).

The entire set cost about $60 if I remember correctly. All of the tea cups that went with Holly have since been lost and chipped. Mike’s long gone, possibly even in prison after one too many driving on a suspended license charges. I’m far from 21 years old anymore! But somehow, she’s remained. I can’t imagine not having her as part of my tea pot collection.

I’ve been collecting tea pots for a long time now. Holly was my first, but the collection has only grown. I think the reason for this is that tea gives me a feeling of comfort. Tea is also something I associate with my writing. I’ve tried for years to be a coffee drinker but it’s never gotten me anywhere. I find coffee too sweet. It’s no wonder I like my tea black, no sugar, no honey.

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